MS/APh 171
Inelastic Scattering of Materials, Molecules, and Condensed Matter
Inelastic Scattering of Materials, Molecules, and Condensed Matter
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: EE/APh 131 or MS 132 or equivalent.
Review of Patterson function and memory function for space or time correlations. Van Hove function for correlated dynamics in space and time. Dynamical structure factors of solids and liquids. Measurements of energy and momentum of dispersive excitations in crystals using neutrons, x-rays, and electrons. Topics in inelastic scattering of high-energy electrons and x-rays, such as core spectroscopy with high-energy electrons, resonant and non-resonant x-ray spectroscopies. Free electron laser methodology and ultrafast pump-probe measurements. The final project will be a proposal for an experiment.