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Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar

Thursday, April 17, 2025
11:00am to 12:00pm
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Gates-Thomas 135
Smart Geomechanics
Ioannis Stefanou, Professor of Mechanics, UME, ENSTA, IP Paris,

Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar Series

Title: Smart Geomechanics

Abstract: Geomechanics is a branch of engineering and geosciences that studies the mechanical behavior of the subsurface in response to natural forces and human activities. The subsurface is inherently complex and difficult to observe, making geomechanical problems challenging to analyze both theoretically and computationally. These challenges impact engineering applications, limiting the scope of what is achievable. However, recent advancements in control theory and artificial intelligence (AI) are providing new avenues for studying and managing subsurface behavior.

In this talk, I will present recent advances that integrate nonlinear control theory and AI in geomechanics. In particular, I will focus on the behavior of natural and anthropogenic seismic faults, which are responsible for both natural and human-induced seismicity. Novel mathematical results [1-3,8] demonstrate how it is possible to stabilize a fault system and induce slow, aseismic slip with a predetermined velocity profile, even in the absence of detailed underground information. In other words, it is mathematically shown that earthquakes can, in theory, be prevented. These theoretical findings are supported by numerical simulations and laboratory-scale analogue experiments [4].

Going further, I will discuss how these insights can be applied to control human-induced seismicity in large reservoirs, potentially unlocking the Earth's remarkable potential for sustainable energy production and underground energy storage [5-8]. Finally, I will highlight current progress and challenges in smart geomechanics, including optimal placement of actuators and sensors, reduced order modeling and the development of digital twins for computational modeling. These advancements bring us closer to a future where we can actively manage and optimize subsurface behavior in real time.

[1] D. Gutiérrez-Oribio, I. Stefanou, and F. Plestan, "Passivity-based control of underactuated mechanical systems with Coulomb friction: Application to earthquake prevention," Automatica, vol. 165, p. 111661, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111661.
[2] I. Stefanou and G. Tzortzopoulos, "Preventing Instabilities and Inducing Controlled, Slow‐Slip in Frictionally Unstable Systems," JGR Solid Earth, vol. 127, no. 7, 2022, doi: 10.1029/2021JB023410.
[3] I. Stefanou, "Controlling Anthropogenic and Natural Seismicity: Insights From Active Stabilization of the Spring‐Slider Model," JGR Solid Earth, vol. 124, no. 8, pp. 8786–8802, 2019, doi: 10.1029/2019JB017847.
[4] D. Gutiérrez-Oribio, G. Tzortzopoulos, I. Stefanou, and F. Plestan, "Earthquake Control: An Emerging Application for Robust Control. Theory and Experimental Tests," IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 1747–1761, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TCST.2023.3242431.
[5] D. Gutiérrez-Oribio and I. Stefanou, "Insights of using control theory for minimizing induced seismicity in underground reservoirs," Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, vol. 39, p. 100570, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.gete.2024.100570.
[6] E. Papachristos and I. Stefanou, "Controlling earthquake-like instabilities using artificial intelligence," Apr. 27, 2021, arXiv: arXiv:2104.13180. Accessed: May 29, 2023. [Online]. Available:
[7] D. Gutiérrez-Oribio, A. Stathas, and I. Stefanou, "AI-Driven approach for sustainable extraction of earth's subsurface renewable energy while minimizing seismic activity," Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech., vol. 49, pp. 1126-1138, 2024, doi: 10.1002/nag.3923
[8] D. Gutierrez-Oribio and I. Stefanou. "Robust output tracking for an uncertain and nonlinear 3D PDE-ODE system: Preventing induced seismicity in underground reservoirs."

Bio: Ioannis Stefanou is Professor at ENSTA, member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and researcher at the Institute of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications (IMSIA). He has studied civil engineering, mechanics and applied mathematics at the National Technical University of Athens, and did his PhD at the Laboratory of Geomaterials of the same institution.
His main research interests are (geo-)mechanics, dynamics, earthquake control, induced seismicity, control theory, homogenization, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
He is the PI of the ERC-StG 2017 project Controlling earthQuakes – CoQuake, of the Connect Talent 2019 project Controlling Extreme EVents – CEEV, awarded by the Pays de la Loire, and of the ERC-CdG 2023 project Preventing human-induced seismicity to fight climate change – INJECT.

NOTE: At this time, in-person Mechanical and Civil Engineering Lectures are open to all Caltech students/staff/faculty/visitors.

For more information, please contact Kristen Bazua by phone at (626) 395-3385 or by email at or visit