William A. Goddard, III
Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics
B.S., University of California (Los Angeles), 1960; Ph.D., Caltech, 1965. Noyes Research Fellow in Chemistry, 1964-66; Noyes Research Instructor, 1966-67; Assistant Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, 1967-71; Associate Professor, 1971-74; Professor, 1974-78; Professor of Chemistry and Applied Physics, 1978-84; Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, 1984-2001; Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics, 2001-.
Research Overview
Goddard has been a pioneer in developing methods for quantum mechanics (QM), force fields (FF), reactive dynamics (ReaxFF RD), electron dynamics (eFF), molecular dynamics (MD), and Monte Carlo (MC) predictions on chemical, catalytic, and biochemical materials systems.
Research Summary:
new methodology for quantum mechanics of materials, reactive force fields for multiscale reactive simulations, nanotechnology, fuel cells, batteries, photoelectrocatalysis and electroctalysis, pharma, bulk amorphous metal alloys