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November 2023

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Materials Science Research Lecture

Synthesis and exploration of new topological magnetic texture in frustrated magnets
Takashi Kurumaji, Research Professor, Physics, Caltech,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar: Special Seminar

Can computers be trained as porous media experts?
Peyman Mostaghimi, Professor of Minerals and Energy Resources, Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering, University of New South Wales,
Thursday, November 2nd, 2023
3:00pm 4:00pm
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EE Devices Seminar - Judith Su

Ultra-sensitive, selective, and label-free optical sensing for fundamental science, environmental monitoring, and translational medicine
Judith Su, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Optical Sciences, University of Arizona,
Friday, November 3rd, 2023
10:00am 11:00am
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EE: EAS Trailblazers Department Seminar

Large-scale aggregation of distributed energy resources: dynamic network access and competitive aggregations
Cong Chen, Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering, Cornell University,
11:00am 12:00pm
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APhMS: EAS Trailblazers Department Seminar

Probing phonon transport across vacuum and across solid-state spins
Zhujing Xu, postdoctoral fellow, Harvard University,
11:00am 12:00pm
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EAS Trailblazers Symposium

Model Reduction for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems using State and Randomized Gradient Data
Samuel E. Otto, Postdoctoral scholar, AI Institute in Dynamic Systems, University of Washington,
11:00am 12:00pm
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MCE: EAS Trailblazers Department Seminar

Physics and Engineering of Extremely Moisture-Capturing Hydrogels for Freshwater Production and Energy Storage
Carlos D. Diaz-Marin, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Monday, November 6th, 2023
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Materials Science Research Lecture

New Ways to See Real-Space Topological Textures and Their Order Parameters at the Atomic Scale
Yu-Tsun Shao, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California,
Thursday, November 9th, 2023
11:00am 12:00pm
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Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar

Wind Farm Modeling and Control
Dennice F. Gayme, Professor and Carol Croft Linde Faculty Scholar, Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Wednesday, November 15th, 2023
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Materials Science Research Lecture

Noise Spectroscopy – What Can Electronic Noise Tell Us about the Materials?
Alexander Balandin, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA,
Thursday, November 16th, 2023
11:00am 12:00pm
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Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar

Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Injection-induced Seismicity
Maryam Alghannam, George Housner Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology,
Thursday, November 23rd, 2023
Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Materials Science Research Lecture

Expect the Unexpected: Novel Properties of Zeolite-Templated Porous Carbon Frameworks
Nicholas P. Stadie, Associate Professor, Physical Chemistry, Montana State University,
Thursday, November 30th, 2023
11:00am 12:00pm
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Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar

Beyond Black-Box Machine Learning for Mechanics
Sharlotte Kramer, Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories,